Know Yourself

Awaken, Create, and Be your Authentic Self

‘Know Yourself’ is an online Soul Purpose Program, where you discover who you truly are, and create that what you are meant to do in this lifetime.

You are here to Know Yourself!

Life is a great learning school and the meaning of this adventure is to grow more and more into the Promise of your Soul.

The Know Yourself Program is an online 90 days journey, where I guide you on your quest of discovering, creating and living your True Self.

With the help of:

  • Intuitive Writing & Creative Exercises
  • Guided Meditations
  • and a Private Support Community

you get a clear picture of who you truly are and what your Purpose is, so you can start living it!

Love to see you inside!

Be Budding

Intuitive Writer ◊ Poet ◊ Soul Purpose Guide

Hi! I’m Bianca

& my penname is Be Budding

My birth name is Bianca. I am an author, poet, intuitive writing coach and publishing PA.

Be Budding means:

Everyone holds a Promise and you are here to Live it

In 2019 I surrendered to the Call of my Soul.

I started writing from my Intuition and got to know myself on a deep soul level; a part of me I had forgotten floated to the surface and turned my life into a Magical experience.

Through my Know Yourself Program I help people Awaken, Create and Be their true Self. 

It is time to write your Soul alive!

Are you ready to become who you are?

Start your Journey here…

Know Yourself

and what it is about

In this program you are going to learn to Know Yourself’; you discover your current story, create a new story and start living your Best Life Story.

Know Yourself is an online program using Intuitive Writing & Creative exercises, Guided Meditations and Clairsentience, to help you find your Authentic Core Story and Message and Transform into your Authentic Self!

The Program is divided into Three Parts:

Awaken your Life – Create your Self – Be your Self

Awaken your Self
⇒ gaining insight in your Life Story

Create your Self
⇒ painting the picture of your Core Message

Be your Self
⇒ telling the Authentic Version of your Self

“Write & Transform your Self & Life in just 90 days!”

A Transformational Writing Journey, that reveals the most Fulfilling Vision you hold of yourself!

Awaken your Self

Find Deeper Meaning and Connection with your Inner Self.

€ 127

Create your Self

Connect with your Soul Blueprint
and find your Purpose.

€ 227

Be your Self

Take Inspired Action to live
your Soul Based Life.

€ 327


Awaken your Self
🖉 Intuitive Writing Exercises
🖉 Inspiring Digital Workbook
🖉 Resource List

Create your Self
🖉 Intuitive Writing & Creative Exercises
🖉 Inspiring Digital Workbook
🖉 Guided Meditations
🖉 Resource List

Be your Self
🖉 Intuitive Writing & Practical Exercises
🖉 Inspiring Digital Workbook
🖉 Guided Meditations
🖉 Resource List
🖉 Lifetime Access to Private Community

Total Value: € 681

Price complete package all-in-one: € 350

Payment in all currencies by IDeal, Creditcard or PayPal.

This is for you when:
you want to BE the Writer of your own Life & Story.

♦ You’re Ready to (Re)Write Your Life Story

If you feel that your life story is waiting to be rewritten, this Soul Purpose online program is designed for you. I’ll guide you through the process of introspection, reflection, and creative expression to help you craft a narrative that aligns with your true Essence and aspirations.

♦ You Seek Clarity and Purpose

If you’re on a quest for clarity and a deeper understanding of your Life’s Purpose, this program offers a roadmap to uncover your unique path. Through intuitive writing, creative exercises, and meditation, you’ll gain insight into your core values and passions.

♦ You Crave a Supportive Community

When you join the Know Yourself Program you get access to a community of like-minded souls who share your journey of Self-Discovery. This support group provides a safe space for you to connect, share, and grow alongside others who are also unraveling their life stories.

This Online Program including Private Support Group is your catalyst for change, your guide to transformation, and your passport to a more purposeful life. 

If any of the above resonates with you,
I invite you to join this incredible journey of self-discovery and purpose.

Imagine how liberating it would feel to…

never doubt yourself anymore, and

♦ BE deeply connected to your Soul & Story;

♦ KNOW which actions you have to take to Create and Live your most Magical Life;

♦ EXPERIENCE complete Inner Peace and Fulfillment, because you know your Purpose.

Know Yourself is a layered program, which means you can’t go to the next part before finishing writing the previous one. Each part will take one month. You receive weekly emails, for 3 weeks per part. It would be too much – emotional and practical – to digest it all at once.

After those three weeks you have a week of rest, because every creative and healing act also needs silence and rest to take root. After this week of rest, the next part will be opened and send to you. 

Within 90 DAYS you Know Yourself, which gives you great guidance to move to the next level of your Soulpath.

Know Yourself is your map to the life your Soul dreamed of.

You were born for this!

Are you ready to go on the Intuitive Writing Journey?

I followed the writing course ‘Know Yourself’ by Be Budding to understand myself better and it did meet my expectations. I mostly loved the magical correlation between simplicity and depth of things. The Intuitive Writing exercises gave me a lot of insights. I strongly recommend this course to my friends and other writers!
Dr. Zainab Ansari
Professor and Author, @whitepurplezainu

If you have any questions, send an email to

Love to see you inside!

Be Budding

Intuitive Writer ◊ Poet ◊ Soul Purpose Guide

Know Yourself